Friday, November 12, 2010

That's one thing you'll never hear me say

Things that are extremely unlikely to ever be uttered by me:

I think I'll quit dancing
I don't like reading
Pink is the ugliest color in the world
I wish I could belch the ABC's
I'm looking a little skinny these days... I need to gain 10 lbs
Sleeping is overrated
Food is evil and should be avoided
I miss running 

Oh wait.

Forget that last one! Yes, folks, it is official. 

I miss running!

I never in a million years thought that I'd every say that, let alone actually feel the pangs of missing running. It's not something I'm particularly good at, and it's not something I particularly love, but I do in fact miss it. Since running my race on Halloween Eve, I really haven't hit the road much. I got in a decent hill run last Saturday (after a week of general inactivity), and I'll probably try to get in a short run before rehearsal this Saturday. I tried to get some time on the elliptical on Tuesday, but I went to the gym at quite the wrong time and all that was left was the stair stepper. Yeah... and I actually did the thing for 20 minutes. I pretended that I was hiking a mountain with a cute boy. 
But really, two weeks and such minimal physical exertion has taken its toll! Little did I realize at the time, but running not only gave me a great workout, it also gave me endorphins which made me happy about life and more energized to complete my never-ending To-Do list. The list just keeps growing, it seems, and I definitely need to have motivation if I ever want to get through it. (My goal is to stay alive through December 3rd. After that, all bets are off). I just wish the weather were not so cold! Not being a major fan of running, I really dislike running around in circles on a track. But it's either run indoors on a track or treadmill (which is 10x worse than a track) or bundle up and freeze myself for 20 minutes each cold and dark evening. I still haven't decided which is worse, uh, I mean better, but let it hereby be known that I am getting back on the running horse on a more consistent basis. Besides all the side-benefits, I'd like to run another 5k again and have an improved time. So... I guess I better find one and start working to that goal again. 
And that's the end of things you never thought you'd hear me say. And really? I probably never will say any of them. Sure I wrote about missing running, but did those words pass my lips? I think not.  

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Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith. ~ President Thomas S. Monson