Tuesday, March 30, 2010

...the same thing we do every night, Pinky!

Try and take over the world!  

It's true, my friends - my evil plot is working. Only a few days into the registration process for Fall 2010 and 3 unsuspecting victims have already signed up for my class! At this moment of time, more people are signed up for my class than any other Humanities 101 class. I can feel my powers flexing at the thought of training and ingraining impressionable young minds with my wisdom. (Just kidding; I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing actually. And for them to be registered already means these are seniors.... people that will be closer to my age and hopefully not have issues by having a young blonde female teacher.)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dear Snow,

Welcome to Spring. I know you are really excited to spend some time getting to know the budding leaves, the robins, and the elusive gaggle of spring flowers, but I think you need to re-evaluate your situation. You see, you and Spring really have no hope of ever making a lasting relationship. Your continual forays to establish such a connection are really more painful than just letting go and moving on. Not to mention the damage they wreak on innocent bystanders, such as myself. Do you really think I want to walk around today in your emotional spewing of snow? 

I know breaking up is hard to do. It happens to the best of us. But you're much better off just letting go of Spring. She'll never really appreciate you, and all those other cliche things people say. But really. Go. Come back in December and I'll be happy to entertain you again, but this is Spring's time. And you? You're on your own. You're uninvited... an unfortunate slight. 

See you in about 9 months. 


Monday, March 22, 2010

A long weekend

Aric was gone to Oregon all weekend... from Thursday morning until late tonight, when he showed up on my doorstep. I'm so happy that it's over and he is back safe and alive!! I may or may not have missed him a whole heap. And he may or may not have missed me, too. Hooray for happy reunions!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Brothers

In case I never mentioned it before, I have seven brothers. Yes, seven. 7. Two older, five younger. I grew up with 4 and we adopted the last three when I came to college. Seven boys. That's a lot. And if there's one thing I know, its that boys can say some pretty hilarious stuff.... especially when they're young! My brother Jeff and I about died laughing last night after this conversation we had with our youngest brother, Kevin (age 7). 

Me: Do you like Aric?
Kevin: Yes, he plays with me.
Jeff: I bet you don't like him as much as you like Chloe.
Me: Who's Chloe?
Kevin (whispers): She's my girlfriend. But don't tell mom. I'm only seven.
Me (whispering): Can I tell you a secret?
Kevin (whispering still): Yes!
Me (whispering): Aric is my boyfriend.
Kevin (in complete amazement): You found one?!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Icing on Top

Last week was so ... Dickensian, like "A Tale of Two Cities." It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... except I'd have to change the order of that to make it really match. The week started off extremely stressful as I tried to figure out a thesis topic, meet with my committee, stay afloat with classes, and keep up on my hours at work. And then came Wednesday. And everything got better.... exponentially better! Wednesday was incredible, Thursday was amazing, and Friday was spectacular! I got to see Aric every day and I pretty much love spending time with him. He braved the family and came with me to my cousin's wedding reception on Friday night, and I must say it was successful all around. Thankfully he didn't feel overwhelmed and really enjoyed meeting (lots) of my family, and they of course were happy to meet him too. And did I mention that I caught the bouquet? Yeah, that was fun too. And, as if that's not enough happiness for one person for three days, I also found out that I'll be teaching at BYU next Fall! I will teach Humanities 101 the whole semester, like a real professor! I'm super duper excited for that opportunity. Plus, that means I'll have a job in the fall. I am leaving my full-time job to be a student full-time, but until Friday I didn't have another source of income. It's amazing how the windows of Heaven just all open at the same time sometimes! I only wish I knew how to express my gratitude better, more fully.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Definitely Possible!

Friends, I am happy. Blissfully happy. So happy that for a few seconds tonight I couldn't even breathe. Yeah... and thank goodness I have stretchy cheeks because the smile I'm wearing is hard to contain. Let me introduce you to....
Aric. Also known as A-rock. Also known as a child prodigy artist, plant biologist extraordinaire, and amazing man. Oh, and he rocks out the ultimate frisbee field like none other. 

This is a better picture of A-rock... the other one is my better one. Not that it matters, because I'm happy either way. Oodles and oodles of happy. Yes, friends, I no longer have to dream the impossible dream. I can live it. 


Monday, March 8, 2010

Possibly possible

It's so interesting..... you know how when you go home for Christmas and it doesn't really seem real until your parents are picking you up at the terminal? And then it seems so natural, like you never even left home, just happened to be gone for a few hours? That was Saturday.

It was a face, a person, that I hadn't seen for about a year, but it felt like Christmas-- like the intervening time had never really happened. We hugged not even 3 steps out of the door and I felt like we just picked up right where we left off. Except its even better now! At least, I think so. I'll check back on Wednesday and see if that's still true.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I still don't know if I believe it. Ok, I do believe it... but I'll believe it more on Saturday. Night. To be specific. After I perform with my tap company in Salt Lake City-- come see me dance!! (Post Theatre at the U of U.) The fact that this will be happening after two dance shows is slightly against my favor... can we say sweat? But I get the feeling it will be ok. Maybe even more than okay. I'll have to see how it goes. I promise, I'm not excited...... yet. But if I seem more chipper over the next few days, well, don't blame me!

Quote of the Day~

Faith, n.: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.
Ambrose Bierce(1842-1914)
Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith. ~ President Thomas S. Monson