Monday, October 17, 2011

Not blogging

I'm fairly certain that it's a good thing I haven't finished the last blog post I was working on. It makes me feel like I can't write more until I complete it. Obviously not stopping me right now but...  It's going to be a really awesome treatment of modern Halloween and its connection to the beginnings of opera in Venice around the 1500's. And Carnival. I promise that it makes total sense... or it will once I get my thoughts finished. I started it on Friday after finishing teaching and I guess all those 6 yr olds just drained my mental faculties enough that I couldn't finish. But it really is a great concept, and I know you're all dying to read it. 

If I were to waste time tonight and blog when I should finish my other, more educated and enlightening post, I might comment on how I am legitimately starting to like my job. I might also comment on how many dates I've gone on lately, and how surprising most of them have been. I could add a sidenote about how I really am an intellectual snob (of sorts) and that I don't think I will ever change that for dating purposes. Nope. I'm 25 and have a master's degree. What have you done? Hint: if you're male and over the age of 26, the answer should be along the lines of "I graduated with a bachelor's and am interested in furthering my career/education."  I might also share a personal anecdote of how I felt like the 5 foolish virgins the other day when I went to the temple, but you'll have to ask me in person to see if I'll tell you that one. I might also mention that I'm moving to a new area (Cottonwood Heights/Fort Union) and how most days I'm fairly convinced I will not marry for.... well a long time at the very least. It's that last part that I'm trying not to blog about. People like positivity, and while I'm not upset about that sense I have, it's not exactly a rainbow and ponies statement. 

And that's what I might blog about, if I had finished that last amazingly intelligent and erudite treatise on Halloween. Which I haven't. Which is why I'm not blogging tonight. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I miss talking to you. :)

Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith. ~ President Thomas S. Monson