Sunday, February 3, 2013

My 25 day walk with Christ

I have been reflecting on January and the goals I set towards the beginning of the year. While I have definitely made improvements, I feel like I'm running a little behind. In order to be more accountable and hopefully achieve more results, I am inviting you to follow my 25 day walk with Christ. There are 25 days left in February, and that is also more than the three week guide for implementing new habits. Each day, I will read a scripture about prayer, ponder on it, and pray. Then I will share some of those thoughts here on my blog.

This is a personal journey, but I look forward to sharing my love for my Saviour with all of you. February is the month of love, and there is no better person to grow closer to!

1 comment:

Richelle said...

I've come to believe that Valentine's Day love can and should be extended to all kinds of love (for family, for friends, for neighbors and pets and strangers), but I'm not sure if I ever thought of it in terms of my relationship with Christ. Thanks for bringing that up at the end of the post. This sounds a wonderful journey in the making!

Don't limit yourself and don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith. ~ President Thomas S. Monson